For over 35 years, Savage River has designed and built ultra-light racing and tripping canoes. We are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality canoes in the industry. Our boats are paddled by many national champions and our lines of ultra-light tripping canoes are among the most efficient canoes you’ll see in the Boundary Waters and the Canadian wilderness. The secret to our success is that we don’t only build canoes, we paddle them as well.

Savage River LogoSavage River Logo

"John,I was very impressed by the organization and layout of your shop. I think youhave come a long way since I bought my first Diller 18'6 in 1993 to a secondone in 98, to the two I bought for me and John Michael Caloyeras--I won the 99pro c-1 70 in mine. I then bought a JD Pro and not only did it handle very wellfor Holly and I, it proved to be very fast and extremely durable--Matt and Ireally put it through the grinder at the 70 this year. The foam core you use isfar superior to the Hexcel, especially since it can be heated to regain itsshape. Anyhow, the bottom line is that you have not only designed some veryfast and innovative boats, you have continued to improve your manufacturingmethods and quality control and I want to commend you for that. Keep up thegood work."

-Marc Gillespie 
For over 45 years, John Diller, our designer and founder, has been an avid whitewater paddler, marathon racer and wilderness tripper. His designs are created with speed and handling in mind, making our canoes not only easy to carry but also a joy to paddle.

"Thanksfor Building such great boats. You have made my paddling experience a lot morepleasant."
Weincorporate the latest in aerospace technology. We use a resin transfer vacuumbagging process with Carbon Fiber, Kevlar, high strength Foam Core and Epoxyresins, resulting in the lightest weight-to-strength ratio possible in anycanoe or kayak.
Our watercraft are custom built to the customer’s needs and desires. We have hundreds of different design, layups and option combinations to choose from to meet any paddler’s needs and desires.  We occasionally have boats in stock for sale but most of our boats are built to order. Our backlog can range from 1 – 4months depending on the time of year and the number of orders coming in.
We cherish all of your thoughts and ideas. Please let us know what you like or think should be changed in our boats. Our watercraft became the best because of our customer feedback.